(oops, this has been sitting in my drafts for many weeks)
A few!
Until recently I didn’t watch much of anything on youtube, unless I was looking for music or specific tutorials, but then I learned that there are historical sewing channels out there! I haven’t watched a huge amount yet though. I’ll list the ones I’ve watched the most of first.
Oh! Also, in December of 2019 a whole bunch of historical costume youtubers did a Secret Santa, so if you search “costube secret santa” a lot more will come up from channels I haven’t checked out yet, or just check the list in the description of this video.
Bernadette Banner – My favourite, her videos are so well made, and she has so much enthusiasm for historical sewing techniques.

10/10 Relatable Content right there! Lots of sewing videos, and she does various different eras. She is currently getting started on an 1890′s black velvet ballgown project.
Karolina Zebrowska – A combination of educational videos about fashion history, and memes & funny skits.

Morgan Donner – A delightful sewing channel with mostly medieval and Renaissance stuff.
Sewstine – Famous for her historical machine embroidery, and she started making videos about it recently! I didn’t realize before how much work machine embroidery is.
Cathy Hay – Not really any sewing videos, but more about the time management & mental health aspect of historical costuming. A mom-friend who is there to encourage you!
Rachel Maksy – Mostly does vintage stuff and cosplay (and really amazing makeup holy heck please click this link), and is only just learning to sew, but she has done some historical stuff and I’m including her because she’s delightful and also because I want to post this screenshot.

“The way you decorate your meatbag is up to you.” Words to live by!
Enchanted Rose Costumes – She’s got sewing videos about 18th and 19th century stuff, and is currently learning how to make needle lace in order to replicate her favourite Worth gown.
Prior Attire – Many different eras, and she mainly does “getting dressed” videos, as well as a few tutorials.
Costuming Drama – I’ve only watched a couple of her videos so far, and they appear to be mostly long vlog type videos that are good for watching while hand sewing. Mostly 19th century, I think.
Bryce Adams – She makes bobbin lace!!! A fairly new channel that I’ve only watched one video from, but I’m excited to see more lace making stuff.
American Duchess – While their channel has a lot of videos of what their shoes look like on feet, they also have some sewing videos, ones where they talk about historical fashion, and general costumed silliness. They also have a very interesting podcast.
Burnley & Trowbridge – The wonderful online shop I buy button blanks and linen thread from! They have historical sewing tutorials that I’ve found incredibly useful.
Gilbert Dolthalion – Another fairly new channel. He’s working on making that 16th century Aziraphale outfit from the Shakespeare scene!
Gina B Silkworks – Gina Barrett does magnificent passementerie. Thread buttons, woven trim, tassels, etc. She made the thread buttons for Sweeney Todd’s shirt in the 2007 movie.
LBCC Historical – Historical cosmetics and hair! Same person I bought my 18th century makeup from.
Pinsent Tailoring – I’m sure most everyone reading this has heard of Zack Pinsent, and he’s finally started making videos! He just released his first one yesterday and it turns out he’s an awkward human just like the rest of us, especially since he’s currently recovering from a broken elbow. Poor guy broke a teacup because he’s not used to doing things left handed 🙁

I expect there will be sewing content and stuff about Regency fashion, and he’s mentioned that he will do a tutorial on different ways to tie a cravat, which I’m looking forward to since that’s something I’m not very good at.
Lady Rebecca Fashions – Another very recent channel, which I’ve only seen one video from, but it looks like she makes a lot of lovely 19th century stuff.
Marius Lee – @marius-pont-de-bercy has made one video so far and it’s about sewing an 18th century men’s shirt!
Mimic of Modes – Hi @mimicofmodes! Another new channel with two videos at the moment, but perhaps there will be more? Maybe about extant garments or pattern drafting or something?
Cluster Frock – I have only watched one video, but have been following her sewing blog for years and she does many different eras. Hopefully she’ll do some sewing videos! Mostly it looks like videos from costumed events so far.
Paul Malcolm – Only one video so far and it’s about 18th century covered buttons. Perhaps he will make more?
Les Soirees Amusantes – I only just realized they had a youtube channel a minute ago, so haven’t watched any yet, but if their instagram is anything to go by then the videos probably feature people in beautifully made late 18th century costumes dancing, playing music, having tea, etc.
Dames a la Mode – @damesalamode Another one I haven’t watched any of yet, but it appears to be sewing videos and some fancy event stuff.
Redthreaded – A corset & stays company, so she’s got some videos and tutorials pertaining to that.
Jenny la Fleur – Yet another one I haven’t watched any of yet, but it appears to be mainly hairstyling with a bit of sewing.
Me… soonish.. I think? – That link is to a currently empty channel, but I really want to try my hand at making sewing videos. I put it as one of my goals for 2020 to make a video on death’s head buttons, because I get so many questions and comments about the buttons on my black & white c. 1790 coat, so I have started filming some clips for that.
I want to do plain and multicoloured buttons in my video, so I still have some more to film, and then I have to learn how to edit videos, so I’ve no idea when it will happen but it will! I have already filmed the process of making the exact same buttons as the ones on the coat.

And hopefully I shall film some sewing stuff also!
Feel free to add more suggestions!
Elin Abrahamsson – Suggested by @graupig, thank you! Mostly medieval.